Thursday, March 8, 2012

Some logistics here...

So, I am aware of the fact that I have a back log of things to write about....
  1. My Switzerland trip to Lausanne and Gruyere
  2. Our Madrid field trip
  3. My trip to Istanbul over the long weekend
I'm not going to write about any of this at the moment, because I'm going to sleep very soon, but I thought I'd put this post up for two reasons:
  1. To let y'all know that there is more to come
  2. To remind myself/ hold myself accountable over the internet, meaning I HAVE to write these posts someday, now that I essentially told the whole world (though only a very small portion is actually listening) that I am going to. 
 Anyway, that's that.
Today's basically your typical Thursday: I got to sleep in, since I don't have class on Thursdays until 4:25. Today was slightly different, since all the humanities classes sat in for an hour of the fine arts class at 11 am, but that's still sleeping in :) And that, my friends, is a wonderful thing. Especially after a long weekend of traveling (long weekend meaning Wednesday- Sunday). After all the classes were done for the day, a whole bunch of us watched Inception and made dinner... basically, a relaxing day.

Also, in German class this week we started reading Der Junge im gestreiften Pyjama ( The Boy in the Striped Pajamas). I've heard how it ends, and I'm not necessarily looking forward to reading that part, but it's pretty good so far and interesting, since it's Auschwitz (or "Aus-Wisch") from the eyes of a 9 year-old German boy. What I find kind of funny is that it's actually an English book translated into German. Luckily, though, it's pretty simple to read (probably because of the fact that it's translated). Anyways, I'm pretty excited about that. It will be my first full-length novel that I've read auf Deutsch.

That's my boring updates for now... the exciting stories shall come later :)

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