Thursday, October 27, 2011


Ashley and I even dressed up for the occasion :) I love my roomie
     Let me begin with a simple, undeniable statement: the people with whom I live are amazing.
     Basically, this week was stressful, filled with midterms and papers GALORE. However, by Wednesday the worst of it (ie the intercultural communications midterm) was over and we were ready to relax and just have fun. Our fantastic RA's John and Courtney and our student representatives Josh and Chelsea came up with the idea to turn Moore Haus into Hogwarts and sort all of the students into houses. Needless to say, I was sehr aufgeregt (google translate it :D).
     At 9 PM everyone went down to the Frühstückzimmer, which had been closed to the general population of Moore Haus for a few hours beforehand in order to preserve the surprise. Finally we were allowed to enter and found that our breakfast room had been transformed (as much as is possible) into the Great Hall. It was completely rearranged, with four tables in the four corners of the room (one for each house of Hogwarts). The lights were turned off, but the tables had lines of candles running down the middle, and there were christmas lights hanging from the ceiling. Basically, it was magical.
Someone's sock has been hanging out in the Frühstückzimmer. Before, it was gross. Now, it's Harry Potter appropriate decor!
   Our visiting faculty, Dr. Lemley (aka Dumbledore) was decked out in a blanket--er, cloak--and wizard hat. He welcomed us with Dumbledore's speech: "I'd like to say a few words before we begin: Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak!" (By the way, forgive me if that's not word for word what Dumbledore said-- I don't have a book nearby and my computer's not liking google at the moment. Close enough, though, right?). After that, we were summoned one by one to the middle of the room, where the sorting hat was placed on our head. To be honest, I would have been happy in ANY of the houses, because just being officially sorted into a Hogwarts house is fun enough on its own. However, I was absolutely overjoyed to be placed in Ravenclaw, which I've always said was the house I would fit in most.
The ladies of Ravenclaw making the claw sign and our fierce faces. Don't judge. Also, sorry Bri for putting this up even though you look like you're sneezing. It was the only one.

     I love my fellow Ravenclaws! We're going to have such a wonderful time competing for the house cup. And, of course, we're going to win. Apparently we're going to have a Quidditch match sometime too. Would it be too redundant if I said that I love Moore Haus?

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