This morning, I got up shortly after 6 am, which one would not assume is the start to a good day. However, there was reason for me to get up with the sun on a Saturday: my mom and I spent the morning scouring garage sales, which, may I mention, is one of my favorite things to do (if I'm in the right mood, of course... otherwise it's just kind of weird looking through people's old stuff). We've been looking since last summer for a good desk to go in my room to replace the one I've had for years, which is currently in a state of disrepair-- not to mention that with it's locker-style drawers, it clashes horribly with the rest of my shabby-chic style furniture. Well anyway, today we finally found a suitable replacement! It's got some gunk on it, but the bones are good, and I wanted a fixer-upper anyway. Plus, we were able to get it for $10. That's it. And now I'll have a fun summer project painting my desk and making it good as new (if not better).
After that we went to breakfast (perhaps one would call it brunch?) at Flappy Jacks, a new(ish) restaurant in this awkward location by the freeway. The way I say that doesn't make it sound appealing, but trust me, it actually is. The decor inside is quirky, with license plates and Route 66 type things. Plus, the breakfast menu is HUGE. I debated back and forth between pancakes or a crepe with strawberries, bananas, and nutella before deciding upon the better-for-me-but-still-ridiculously-tasty Veggie Benedict, which was basically a bunch of good stuff on top of an English muffin with poached eggs and hollandaise sauce. Plus there were avocados involved-- and when avocados are involved, 90% of the time that's the dish I'm going to order (perhaps this is my one stereotypical "California Girl" trait). Anyway, it was actually kind of fun eating in a booth with a view of the freeway, because it made it feel like we were on a road trip. Which for some reason made me crave a cup of good, solid diner coffee. Probably because in pretty much every movie or TV show when people go on a road trip and stop in a diner, or really pretty much anytime they're in a diner regardless of whether a road trip is involved or not, they always have a simple, comforting mug of coffee. Must be a Pavlov's dogs kind of thing.
I ordered the coffee, in case you were wondering.
This isn't the coffee I drank today, but that doesn't matter. Coffee is always good. |
So if you couldn't already tell, the morning was perfect. After that, we decided to get crafty, and I've spent pretty much the entire afternoon going crazy tie-dyeing things and cutting up T-shirts and pants. I feel like I've been pretty productive, if you ask me.
The moral of the story? Sometimes it's not so bad waking up voluntarily at six in the morning, because that means by the time 6 pm rolls around you may have accomplished a whole lot more than you do in a normal day.
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